Small Assets

Boomer Disapproves
Living “in the country”, as we do, affords He and She a lot of opportunities to hob nob with the “neighbors”. They especially like to stop at a nearby goat farm and watch the goats play “King of the Hill” on an old log, or talk to the many cows that are in the pasture next door, or pet the local horses, who, they have found out can rival us cats when it comes to curiosity.

This past weekend, they found out about another baby donkey in our area. This one is a miniature and that makes him especially “prosh”. His pasture mates were very friendly, and she got some good photos. They all came right up to the fence!

Hang on, I'm coming!

Amazing beard for a baby!

Baby miniature donkey

I'll just rest my chin here until you come pet me.

You just gonna stand there, or come pet us?

Gosh, if she had some of these at home, we would probably never see her. But a pair of these cuties would definitely be an “asset” to The House of 9 Lives!


5 thoughts on “Small Assets

  1. I ventured out of the Small World for the first time today in a very long time and of course found my way here — and how wonderful to find such cute critters waiting to make me smile! So happy, too, about the new stove! That looks amazing!!!!



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